Click here to see the winners of our Share a Family Value Photo Contest!

What comes to mind when you hear "resilience" or "emotional intelligence"?

Maybe it’s how your kids handle tough situations, or maybe something else.

Do you picture your child's ability to:

A) Manage stress,

B) Build friendships, or

C) Bounce back from challenges?

Last Friday as I drove by kids walking to school, I couldn't help but wonder—what was on their minds? Were they focused on the day ahead, or feeling the weight of friendships, social media, and everything else that comes with growing up?

Kids today face so much more than we ever did, and that means they need inner strength like never before.

Studies show that nearly 70% of kids feel overwhelmed by external pressures during the school year. That’s why it’s crucial we help them build what I like to call their “bounce-back” muscle. From school stress to social struggles, they need to know they’re strong enough to handle it all.

Without this inner strength, we risk our kids losing confidence in themselves. But when we create a safe space and teach them the right coping skills, they grow into confident, resilient individuals. As parents, we play a vital role in being their trusted foundation.

With October being Emotional Intelligence Awareness Month, it's the perfect time to explore fun and practical ways to strengthen our ability to regulate our emotions for both us as adults and our kids.

And speaking of emotional connections, Tammy, Sylvia and I were so moved by the photos many of you shared with us last month, highlighting the values you hold dear as a family. Your creativity and thoughtfulness made it tough to choose, but we’re excited to announce the winners of our photo contest! Check them out below 📷 🏆

Building Resilience in Children

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity, adapt to change, and grow from experiences.

To help our children develop resilience, we can create a supportive family environment, promote a growth mindset, and teach problem-solving skills.

By doing so, we equip kids with the foundation to overcome challenges and thrive.

Developing General Coping Strategies

Coping strategies are essential tools for managing stress and challenges, and there are various approaches to coping, such as:

Active coping: Encourage children to take action and address challenges head-on, such as seeking information or making a plan.
Emotional coping: Teach kids how to express their feelings and manage their
emotions, such as through deep breathing or journaling.
Social coping: Help children build a support network, practice assertive communication, and seek help when needed.

By introducing these strategies, we empower our children to face difficulties with confidence and resilience.

Applying Resilience and Coping Strategies to Everyday Challenges

Children encounter various challenges in their daily lives, from academic pressures to social conflicts.

As a parent, I've found that applying resilience and coping strategies to these situations can make a significant difference.

One such instance involved my son's struggle with a difficult math concept at school.

We started by acknowledging his frustration and encouraging him to express his feelings. Then, we worked together to develop a plan for tackling the challenge.

We broke the concept down into smaller parts, sought additional resources, and practiced active problem-solving. Over time, his perseverance and newfound confidence allowed him to overcome the obstacle, demonstrating the power of resilience and effective coping strategies.

To help your children navigate similar challenges, consider the following:
 Encourage open communication about their struggles and emotions.
 Collaborate on a plan to address the challenge, breaking it down into manageable steps.
 Provide support and guidance while allowing them to take the lead in problem-solving.
 Celebrate their progress and efforts, emphasizing the importance of resilience and growth.

By incorporating these strategies, we can empower our children to face various challenges with confidence and determination.

Nurturing Empathy and Compassion

Empathy and compassion are vital components of resilience and effective coping.
As parents, we can model these values and teach our children to understand and care for others.

By fostering a compassionate mindset, we create a supportive social environment where children can thrive.

We all need a little inspiration now and then, and what better way to find it than through stories of real people making a difference?

So this week we're featuring one young changemaker and one remarkable adult leader from our Awaken Your Inner Hero book bundle 📚 who both exemplify resilience & determination as they navigate challenges and inspire others.

💪 Meet Manny Lopez - From Orphan to CEO

At just 18 months old, Manny and his sister faced unimaginable challenges when they were left alone in a car, setting them on a path through the foster care system. But rather than becoming a statistic—like the two out of three kids who age out of foster care and end up dead, homeless, or in jail—Manny transformed his life.

Today, as the dynamic CEO of Orphan to CEO, he is on a mission to empower “Day 1” entrepreneurs, at-risk youth, and those aging out of foster care through his revolutionary platform, the MANNYfestation: School of Business.

With the powerful slogan “Too blessed to be stressed,” he inspires others to rise above their circumstances and embrace their potential.

Manny with his mentor Les Brown (Source: Manny Lopez YouTube)

What story did your kids love reading this week?

As part of this month's Hero Challenge, we encourage you to read for 15 minutes a day with your kids that shares a valuable life lesson.

And if you haven't started or need more stories, no worries! Download this 3-Book Bundle Sample Pack to get started 😊

Announcing Our 3 Photo Contest Winners

During a heartfelt virtual Zoom call, our team voted on the amazing entries in the Share a Family Value Photo Contest, and we were genuinely moved by how a simple photo and story can help shape our community of Raising Empowered Kids.

Family values like adventure, togetherness, intentionality and many more shone through in every submission. Whether it was the pride of children stepping up to leadership roles, cherishing quality family meals free from distractions, or creating special moments that deepen connections, each entry beautifully reflected the essence of family.

Now, without further ado, let’s celebrate our winners who captured the heart of what family means!

🥇 Our 1st Prize Winner is Becca!

"Our values are work hard, play hard, and be kind even if no one is looking. Here we are playing hard while working hard : )"

Congratulation, Becca for winning The Mylio Family Plan (valued at $499/year)!

We couldn't agree with you more—we loved that your photo beautifully shows how you're teaching your kids essential life skills and turning meal prep into a fun, family event. There’s something so special about creating those moments where play and hard work come together.

🥇 Our second 1st Prize Winner is Amanda!

"My husband's goal is to be awkwardly present so when our daughter got the opportunity to go on an adventure of a lifetime, of course he was there. This picture represents goal crushing, adventure, joy, and togetherness."

Congratulation, Amanda for winning The Mylio Family Plan (valued at $499/year)!

We are all about adventures too! Seeing dads bond with their kids in new places, being imaginative and curious, makes us so happy. Keep embracing those joyful adventures!

🥈 And our 2nd Prize Winner is Neema!

"One of our core values as a family is being intentional about having meals together. This is usually family dinner on the weekdays and family breakfast on the weekends. Weather permitting, we frequently go to the backyard to enjoy our home-cooked meals, share love and laughter. We take a picture and then continue at the free! Quality and distraction free time is important to us!"

Congratulation, Neema for winning The Photo Manager's Photo Organizing Made Easy Bundle (valued at $313)!

A special shout-out from Sylvia, who especially loved this entry as she also treasures quality family meal time. Your photo captures the joy of making mealtime a tech-free, family-centered experience!

A huge thank you to everyone who submitted a photo and shared their story with us! We were truly inspired by the values you hold as a family. As a token of our appreciation, you’ll be receiving our latest Hero Book Bundle as a gift for being part of this special contest.

We’d also like to extend our gratitude to our amazing sponsors, Mylio and The Photo Managers, for helping our families learn to organize and create lasting photo and video legacies.

Keep treasuring the small moments - they're the ones that matter most ❤️

*All photos are shared with permission from our winners.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this inspiration-filled newsletter!

Before we go, I’d love to hear what you and your kids are dressing up as this year! Halloween is such a wonderful time for kids to imagine all the possibilities of who they can be, letting their creativity shine through fun costumes. Share with us in the REK Facebook Group!

Also I want to give special thanks to all the educators in our REK community as we celebrated World Teacher's Day yesterday. Your dedication and passion really shapes the future for our children and for that we are so grateful.

Stay tuned for next week to see what our Hero Intelligence Teacher Tammy is dressing up as in her classroom and what power pet friend she is bringing along for trick-or-transformation 🎃 ⭐️

Adam and Matthew, The Biz Brothers