Last week, Tammy shared Ava’s adventure with Tranquil Turtle, giving us stories and tools to help teach our kids how to manage their emotions. Now, let's take these lessons and apply them to our daily lives.

Think about it—we don’t learn to ride a bike or play an instrument overnight. But once you get it, the new formed skill or habit becomes transformational.

Just like the saying 'no pain, no gain,' think of it as 'no skill, no thrill'—mastering new habits can be tough at the start, but the life-changing results are all worth it.

How would it feel to see your child learning to see failures as learning opportunities?

Can you picture them replacing negative thoughts with positive ones?

Imagine how much of a game-changer that would be!

So here we go! I'm guiding you through mastering mindset with the system of change, not just to improve ourselves, but to lead the way for our kids as well.

And since many parents often ask me about the best ways to manage kids' screen time, I'm excited to recommend Dr. Shefali’s workshop to you, to learn  real-time strategies that turn the challenge of screen competition into healthy habits that empower parents. You don’t want to miss this - so catch the free sign up link down below.

Here are some practical tips that I’ve learned to help you apply my experience and some of Tiny Habits principles to create positive changes for us adults and our kids.

Tip #1: Start with What You Really Want

Begin by focusing on helping your kids replace negative thoughts with positive ones. For example, when correcting your child, choose moments where they've shown effort and highlight their progress. Instead of saying "You're always forgetting your homework," try "I noticed how you remembered your math book today. Let's work on bringing all your materials tomorrow!" This approach reinforces positive behavior and encourages improvement without causing stress.

Tip #2: Embrace a New Identity

Let go of limiting beliefs like "My child is always lazy" and embrace positive identities that empower both you and your kids. Finish sentences like "I'm the kind of parent who..." with qualities that support positive growth. Maybe it's "I'm the kind of parent who encourages effort and improvement" or "I'm the kind of parent who celebrates every small achievement." Surround yourself with supportive people who share these values and consider incorporating affirming messages into daily routines.

Tip #3: Practice with a Partner

Having a supportive partner can make all the difference. Whether it's your spouse, a family member, or a teacher, collaborate with someone who can reinforce positive behaviors and provide encouragement. Maybe you both create a system where you acknowledge and reward positive efforts consistently. This collaborative approach not only strengthens your child's sense of accomplishment but also fosters a supportive environment for growth.

Be sure to focus on something you genuinely desire to change, not just because it's good for you. It's all about choosing something that sparks your interest and keeps you motivated.

By applying these tips, you're not just changing habits—you're nurturing a mindset of growth and resilience in your family. Celebrate every small victory, and keep reinforcing positive behaviors one change at a time!

Want to Chat with Oprah's Favorite Parenting Expert?

On July 24th, join Dr. Shefali Tsabary in a rare live event to Unlock your Child’s Superpowers.

Hosted by Prequel, this event will dive into:

  • How to set your child up for success through conscious parenting
  • How to discover your child's unique interests and passions
  • Actionable strategies and activities to nurture your child's interests & what they truly love

Dr. Shefali, PhD, is an international speaker, 3-time NYT bestselling author, and Oprah’s top parenting expert. Don’t miss this rare live event with Dr. Shefali!

📅 Wednesday, July 24th, 8 pm EST / 5 pm PST (Virtual)


*This is sponsored partner content.

Unlike more straightforward habits like reading or exercising, focusing on mindset changes requires us to work through a rooted and complexed belief system. It's like redirecting the growth of a tree or moving it to a new spot—it demands patience, understanding, and a gentle touch. So be kind and patient with ourselves and our kids, knowing it's a gradual yet deeply rewarding journey.

Here are three habit recipes you can try out this week for mastering the skill of change in development positive mindset habits:

  • After my child makes a mistake, I will remind myself to say, "Yes! Another learning opportunity!” (i.e. failed a test, spilled a glass)
  • After I realize I'm about to say a limiting belief, I will take a deep breath instead and smile. (i.e. you’re not a runner, you’re always late)
  • After I miss my new habit, I will do a fist pump and say “at least I remembered” and try again tomorrow. (i.e. spoke too soon, forgot to read)

🌱 Create your new habit or print this helpful recipe card below to get started!

As you try out these three habit recipes or one of your own, allow yourself to feel successful with a fist pump or say in your head “good job!” to make it rock solid. Because it's not just about repetition; it's about the emotion you feel that wires in the habit for good.

Post in our REK Facebook Group what habit recipe you’re working on this week. I’m happy to help if you need any advice or suggestions 😊

Ready for a positive energy boost to sharpen your mindset skills?

Meet my friend Christy Jones, a Brain Gym coach, holistic health educator, and devoted mother. With a wealth of experience in child development, Christy is passionate about helping children discover their inner strengths and learn about the power of energy.

Her practical tips range from simple mindfulness exercises to a transformative 4-step PACE routine that parents, teachers, and kids can easily do in their daily routines.

So get your “battery packs” ready for fueling and tune in to episode #32, "Elevating Your Energy: A Brain Workout with Christy Jones," available on Apple or Spotify Podcast.

Explore more inspiring stories and strategies on the Mompreneurs Raising Kidpreneurs podcast, where I shine the light on purposeful parents who are empowering their kids, just like you!

What an incredible month it's been! At Raising Empowered Kids, we're dedicated to nurturing hero intelligence—where mindset mastery meets creativity and leadership.

In partnership with Kidpreneurs and in just 3 weeks, Tammy, myself, and 12 certified educators have guided 88 kids in developing not just mindset skills but also entrepreneurial spirit through our virtual Camp SuperNova program.

If you'd like us to bring Camp SuperNova to your school, homeschool or community, let us know and I'd be happy to connect with you.

As you practice your mindset skills, keep in mind the words of Audrey Hepburn: 'Nothing is impossible. The word itself says 'I'm possible'!'

Stay resilient and keep moving forward—your efforts are making a real difference!

With love,

Sylvia Tam