Welcome to a new month!

We're changing our mindset to talk about why health and well-being are so crucial for our kids (and us too!).

Think of it as the foundation for everything else. When we feel good physically, mentally, and socially, everything else falls into place. Our kids perform better in school, manage their emotions better, and are overall happier.

But with back-to-school just around the corner, August is the perfect time for a 3-point health check. I know—summer's been a blast, and maybe our sleep schedules are a bit out of whack, and between travels and activities, we might not have been making the healthiest choices. And that's okay!

At REK, we believe in taking small steps towards a healthier lifestyle and the power of 3. That's why I'm excited to share with you a helpful self-assessment tool called the Health Triangle that will be a great activity you can do with your family./

And while you're here, be sure to learn from our sponsor about a new way to stay in touch with family and friends without the distractions of regular social media. I think you'll appreciate it.

Have you heard of the Health Triangle?

We know that a triangle is the strongest shape, and this concept uses that strength to represent overall well-being. Originating from a 1997 project at an Alaska middle school, the Health Triangle highlights three key aspects of health: physical, mental, and social.

Each side of the triangle is equally crucial, and maintaining balance among them is essential for optimal wellness. Here’s a quick look at each side:

Physical Health
- your body's ability to function normally;
- proper nutrition, regular exercise, and adequate sleep;
- personal hygiene and overall physical fitness.

Mental Health
- your thoughts, feelings, and emotions;
- how you manage stress, anxiety, and develop a positive mindset;
- allows you to cope with life's challenges and build self-confidence.

Social Health
- your relationships and interactions with others;
- how you communicate, form connections, and seek support;
- having a network of supportive friends and family.

Source: Mind My Peelings

We love how this model emphasizes a balanced, holistic view of health which aligns with our approach to raising empowered kids!

Download the Health Triangle Worksheet by Mind My Peelings to get this important conversation started. What does your triangle look like?

Health Triangle Worksheet (Source: Mind My Peelings)

Reply back and let us know or share it in the REK Facebook Group. Discussing ways to balance these three aspects of health can benefit your family in the new school year. Have fun!

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Yes it does— meet TUVU.

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*This is sponsored partner content.

Here are some tips for supporting your family's overall well-being throughout the year:

Keep your family active as a team. Physical activity has boosted our family's energy, focus, and confidence. We started with simple activities like bike rides and tag in the backyard. As the kids got older, we tried new things like hiking and rock climbing. It's been amazing to see their strength and self-esteem grow.

Tend to your kids’ emotional health too. I’ve found that creating a safe space for my kids to share their feelings is crucial. By being open about my own emotions, I've encouraged them to express theirs. For example, when my child didn’t make the soccer team, I shared my own story of facing rejection. It’s strengthened our bond and helped them feel understood.

Stress mental health for a growth mindset. Mindfulness practices like deep breathing have been a game-changer for managing stress, especially during exam time. When my daughter was overwhelmed by a big project, we practiced deep breathing together to help her focus. Encouraging my kids to see failures as growth opportunities has built their resilience and confidence.

Bringing it All Together

As parents, we know how important it is to balance our priorities—just like we're encouraging our kids to do with their health and well-being.

We've been practicing what we preach, and in doing so, Tammy, Sylvia, Matthew and I have been working on a new, game-changing book that’s all about unlocking your potential and achieving big goals. Stay tuned for details coming soon 🙊

In the meantime, let’s focus on empowering our kids by modeling healthy habits, encouraging open communication, and promoting a growth mindset.

Health isn't just about physical fitness or eating vegetables (although those are important too!); it’s also about nurturing our kids' emotional and mental well-being, and creating a supportive environment where they feel safe and loved.

So, let’s make this school year the healthiest yet—not just for our kids, but for the whole family.

Adam and Matthew, The Biz Brothers