Have you ever had your child ask a question that spiraled into a full day of experiments, research, or creative projects?
That’s the magic of following them down a rabbit hole—and it’s how they learn to take ownership of their learning.
When my kids were grade school-aged, we used to make a gingerbread house each year—from scratch or close enough. It wasn’t just a project, it was an event. Shopping for ingredients, baking the gingerbread cookie sides of the house, ‘gluing’ it together with frosting, and adding decorative candies.
My kids knew the kind of house they wanted to make. They discussed the weight-bearing ability of the gingerbread rectangles that would become the walls and steeply pitched roof and how to make the miniature evergreen trees in the ‘front yard.’
And… thinking about how to build and decorate the house invariably prompted them on adventures down rabbit holes…
- Architectural styles
- Structural engineering
- The history and literature of gingerbread houses that led to folktales
- Recipe comparisons that led to looking up the origins of ginger that led to… ginger as both a sweet and savory ingredient in baking
- Reviewing faster options for building the gingerbread house led to researching design
The rabbit holes led to
- discussions,
- shopping adventures, and
- project management plans.
But what they really all pointed to was—other than my kids eating their yearly sugar quota—self-directed learning.
How did we get from a simple holiday gingerbread project to experiential learning, self-directed learning, and highly invested, motivated, happy kids?
The project prompted my kids to go down rabbit holes. These acted like the themes in a unit study or mind map connecting isolated ideas into meaningful, interdisciplinary learning.
We used this curiosity-driven approach frequently and with all kinds of themes and projects. It made it easy to keep my kids engaged and keep learning fun.
Why Unit Studies (and Rabbit Holes) Work
Imagine taking a topic—baking, mini rubber-band-propelled cars, gardening, the history of harnessing electricity--and creating a hands-on project around it.
That’s step one in sparking your child’s interest and motivation.
Next, imagine discussing aspects of the project with them, like the engineering issues of the gingerbread house. Picture the conversation going wherever your child’s interest leads—down all the rabbit holes.
Now, take a piece of paper and create a simple mind map—the project idea at the center and all the ‘rabbit holes’ as ideas around the central theme.
And all of a sudden, you have the start of a unit study. It happened organically from your child’s interests.
What this process does, and why it is so powerful, is it allows kids to explore topics of interest to them and study them through their innate curiosity.
Key Benefits of Unit Studies:
- Encourages curiosity-driven, self-directed learning.
- Connects seemingly unrelated subjects into a cohesive web of knowledge.
- Integrates core subjects like ELA, history, science, and math with real-world skills.
- Fosters critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
- Inspires creativity and independent thought through hands-on exploration.
Designing a unit study in this way tells kids their ideas matter. It teaches them how to create their own web of knowledge, connecting ideas across what might seem like unrelated topics—gingerbread baking and structural engineering—into a cohesive whole.
When kids explore rabbit holes around a central theme, they learn in an organic, integrated way that is more meaningful than dividing each idea into its ‘subject box.’
They learn to become effective independent thinkers.
They use curiosity-driven learning—read active learning—to develop their unique web of knowledge.
When my kids debated how much each carefully rolled out gingerbread rectangle might swell after cooking, they weren’t passive learners. They were engaged.
When they decided it would be easier to make the house from a cereal box model with a graham cracker and frosting ‘gingerbread façade,’ they were independent-creative-critical thinkers.
When they pondered the origins and history of ginger in baking, they were unconsciously creating a unit study design just by chasing their interests.
We didn’t set out to create a unit study, it happened organically by following their curiosity and critical thinking. What we started with was a central theme and a range of connected topics that my kids were inspired to explore.
This type of scenario happened a lot. For example, when we did a volcano/lava experiment, it led my kids down rabbit holes about geology, tectonic plates, geography, dinosaurs, and imagined trips to Iceland. They learned history, science, problem-solving, critical thinking, and writing along the way.
What if your homeschool could look like this?
With a simple process, it can.
The power of mind mapping
Rabbit holes are child-led. It’s how kids think and learn.
We tend to curtail it because we want them to ‘stay on track’ and not get derailed down… rabbit holes. But when we change our perception of kids’ natural tendency to wonder and wander, we encourage their natural interest, motivation, and ability to build a web of knowledge.
A web of knowledge is a network of connected ideas and concepts. It helps kids/learners build relationships between different topics. For example, understanding how gingerbread houses involve baking, engineering, and history creates a web of knowledge that ties these multiple concepts and subjects together.
We can further guide and empower their exploration by adding unit studies.
All it takes is learning how to effectively build a unit study from the rabbit holes—through mind mapping.
Mind mapping is a tool for brainstorming topics and visualizing connections.
So, when kids start with gingerbread houses as the central topic and start doing a project, they are engaged. They will naturally think of other ideas.
Each time they do, that idea—the potential rabbit hole—can be added as a subtopic around the central theme on the mind map. This way, kids can visualize the connections.
Steps for Mind Mapping:
- Choose a central topic based on your child’s interests.
- Start a mind map with the central idea in the middle of the page.
- Encourage your child to brainstorm related topics or questions (rabbit holes) and add them as branches around the main topic.
- Use sub-branches for specific details, ideas, or questions to explore further.
- Review the completed mind map together to identify potential activities, projects, or research paths.
By repeating this process throughout a project or conversation, you can help your child build not only a mind map. It will show how ideas that might have seemed distant and unrelated only minutes before are organically connected. You’ll have the foundation for a unit study—based on your child’s interests.
This process can inspire your child to take ownership of their learning and stay engaged at each step. It gives structure and visual connections to the rabbit holes and helps your child see relationships while also giving your child the freedom to chase their ideas. The opposite of steering your kid back to the textbook or worksheet and quashing their curiosity… because it’ll take too much time to chase after a new thing.
Tie Everything Together—Real-world Skills AND Core Subjects
By tying real-world skills to core subjects, unit studies help your child connect what they learn to everyday life. When you shift your mindset and embrace your child's natural curiosity, you empower them to go from spontaneous (seemingly random) interests to meaningful learning.
Once you’ve helped your child create a mind map, you have a basic roadmap for a unit study. The best part? It was sparked by your child’s real-world interests and hands-on learning.
AND… you can integrate core subject skills with any unit study and connect real-world learning with skills mastery.
By having your child research, test, and write about what they learn.
Research will often lead to learning history, literature, and/or science.
The gingerbread unit study?
Research led my kids to learn about the history of ginger growing across Asia and the socio-political aspects of how it came to be used in baking sweets in European foods. Research also led to learning more about the pitch of rooftops, specifically in Northern Europe, and whether a pitched roof is the best design for snowy climates.
You can integrate reading and writing elements like the Hansel and Gretel folktale or Christmas stories from Europe and prompt your child to write their own folktale or analyze the ones they read and write an essay.
And the math? Give them a budget for shopping for gingerbread ingredients, the recipe, and the dimensions of the house to build—math in real life—which is the best use of math I can think of.
The Mindset Shift that Makes Rabbit Holes Lead to Self-directed Learning
By integrating real-world skills with core subjects, you’re helping your child see the big picture--how learning applies to their lives.
To embrace this approach, it’s important to shift your mindset. See your role as a guide rather than a teacher.
Take a moment to rethink your interactions with your kid. Observe your child throughout the day—and respond when they spontaneously notice something, become curious, or go down a rabbit hole.
Go along with it and let them lead you to wherever their mind wanders. Follow them and get to know this aspect of your child’s thinking.
Keep in mind learning is not linear, it meanders and builds on itself in a messy, spiraling way.
Once you have a sense of your child’s explorations, put yourself in the role of guide, not teacher. Don’t try to control it, learn to build on it.
Challenge yourself—
- To see connections between ideas—ideas that maybe you didn’t think were related. Ideas you weren’t planning to teach, ideas you might not have been interested in.
- To be curious and explore the unknown. Then, help guide your child in building their mind map to see a visual representation of their ideas. Create a unit study around their curiosity.
- To get creative and find ways to connect writing, history, science, and math to their unit study exploration.
My Holiday Challenge to You
Here is a done-for-you lesson plan outline for a ‘Holidays Around the World’ unit study at the end of the article.
You can either follow the week-by-week roadmap and create a more predictable structured unit study, OR you can take any one of the ideas—say gift giving during Chinese New Year, Christmas tree decorations, or creating a holiday around the world ‘passport’--and create a hands-on project to spark your kid’s imagination.
See what rabbit holes they go down, and run with it—help them design a unit study based on their curiosity.
The goal? Support your child’s interests, spark their imagination, and guide them to becoming self-directed learners.
This article was originally published here. Republished with permission from the author.

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