Have you ever faced a health scare that turned your world upside down? I have. For me, it started with the possibility of surgery and the need to stop driving.

But what seemed like a setback turned into a powerful wake-up call. As a mom always on the go—juggling work, travel, and family—it made me realize how important it is to prioritize health and well-being.

This experience not only shifted my path to entrepreneurship, including starting a health food business, but it also deepened my appreciation for quality time with my kids. Balancing self-care and family life has become central to my journey.

In this edition, I want to give a special shout-out to my husband for his unwavering support and also highlight some incredible dads I know who are making a big difference in their kids' lives, no matter their age.

Tips for Balancing Health, Inspired by Amazing Dads

The Health Triangle we mentioned earlier this month is all about balancing physical, mental, and social well-being. Finding harmony in these areas can make a world of difference in our lives. Here’s how three incredible dads are leading by example in each of these aspects:

Physical Health: Adam Toren, Kidpreneurs and REK

Adam is all about staying active and supportive. Whether it’s joining his kids on the pickleball court or cheering them on in their theater pursuits, Adam’s respect for their interests shows in his actions. His dedication is so inspiring that his daughter even started her own athletic talent agency! Following Adam’s lead, remember to be active in the activities your kids love. It’s a fun way to stay fit and connected as a family.

Source: USA Pickleball / Photo Credit: Yeung Photography

Mental Health: Russ Perry, Design Pickle

Russ has learned the art of letting go and trusting his kids to handle more responsibilities. When his daughter wanted to shop on her own, he embraced the opportunity to support her independence. Check out his blog for a peek at this special moment. His approach teaches us that letting go and supporting our kids’ growth can also be a huge boost to our own mental well-being.

Source: Russ Perry

Social Health: Gary Vaynerchuk, VaynerMedia

Gary Vaynerchuk, known for his success, always makes it a point to include his parents in his travels and achievements. At an event last week, I had the chance to meet him and even snapped a photo with his dad, Sasha, which he truly appreciated. Gary’s dedication to being genuine and showing gratitude highlights the importance of social connections and being real. It’s a great reminder to value our relationships and be authentic in our interactions.

Are you a dad? Post your story in the REK Facebook Group so we can hear and learn from you too 😊

By following these examples, we can nurture our physical, mental, and social health while building stronger connections with our families. Share your own tips and stories with us—we’d love to hear how you’re balancing health in your life!

Creating lasting changes to our health and well-being starts with the smallest steps. The key is to make these new habits so simple that they fit seamlessly into your routine.

By focusing on tiny, manageable actions, you can gradually build positive behaviors without feeling overwhelmed. The idea is to start small and make these habits so effortless that they become a natural part of your daily life.

Here are 3 habit recipes you can try out this week for developing positive health routines:

  • After I brush my teeth in the morning, I will do 10 jumping jacks (or any other stretch to get your circulation going).
  • After I sit down for a meal, I will drink a glass of water (to support digestion).
  • After I brush my teeth at night, I will place my cell phone in the kitchen (or anywhere besides the bedroom for better sleep).

🌱 Create your new habit or print this helpful recipe card below to get started!

As you try out these three habit recipes or one of your own, allow yourself to feel successful with a fist pump or say in your head “good job!” to make it rock solid. Because it's not just about repetition; it's about the emotion you feel that wires in the habit for good.

Did you know a healthy lifestyle can boost brain function by up to 20%? We could some of that, right!

Well then let’s hear from Chef Mareya Ibrahim Jones as she shares her expert insights on brain health and wellness on this week’s featured episode.

As a multi-hyphenate entrepreneur, including TV chef, nutritionist, speaker, product developer, and coach, Mareya reveals her secrets to balancing a thriving career and family life while keeping your brain sharp. Tune in for practical tips on enhancing cognitive function, raising empowered kids, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Don’t miss out episode #35, “Family Recipe: Raising Empowered Kids with Chef Mareya”, on this blend of inspiration and actionable advice from a leader in the health food industry! Available on Apple or Spotify Podcast.

Explore more inspiring stories and strategies on the Mompreneurs Raising Kidpreneurs podcast, where I shine the light on purposeful parents who are empowering their kids, just like you!

If you’ve been tuning into my podcast, you know I often discuss the importance of checking in with our three brains - head, heart, and gut. I encourage you to explore this concept further and learn more about how these three areas connect. Understanding their interplay can give both you and your kids a significant advantage in developing healthy habits and boosting your energy each day.

And from the exciting news front, if you haven’t seen our exciting book launch on social media already, stay tuned! We’re thrilled to share something special that we hope will inspire you on your journey. Keep an eye out for more details next week!

Until then, here’s to balancing your three brains and embracing a healthier, more vibrant you!

With love,

Sylvia Tam, The Purposeful Parent